13 Mar 2025 17:57 UT
BASS2000 Instruments
This page gives a brief description of the instruments for which BASS2000 makes some data available, either in a systematic observation mode available in our Solar Survey Archive (mainly daily full disk data). The name of each instrument corresponds to its denomination in our data request forms. Please check the links for more informations on these instruments and their data.

SPECTRA: The THEMIS-MTR instrument

Description: This instrument allows multi-line spectro-polarimetric observations on the THEMIS telescope (MTR mode). Available wavelengths are currently in the range [430-870] nm and the polarimeter is optimized for 6250Å and 4250Å. A reduction software for these data will soon be available on our site. The observations cover a wide range of subjects, depending on the P.I. program.
THEMIS is a 90 cm telescope built in Tenerife providing 3 observing modes : the MTR mode, the MSDP mode (see below) and the IPM mode (imagery mode).
Data: Each channel contains a 2D image, with a variable wavelength across the field of view in one direction. Each channel is centered on a different wavelength across the line profile.
Operated by: CNRS-CNR-IAC

MSDP: The THEMIS-MSDP instrument

Description: The Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass mode (MSDP) on THEMIS is a spectro-imager mode allowing a spectral analysis of broad lines (typically Halpha, Na D1 and Na D2) for a 2-D images (9x170 arcsec2 and 25x170 arcsec2). The observations cover a wide range of subjects, depending on the P.I. program.
THEMIS is a 90 cm telescope built in Tenerife providing 3 observing mode : the MTR mode (see above), the MSDP mode and the IPM mode (imagery mode).
Data: Spectra for the different Stokes parameters (I+Stokes or I-Stokes, all Stokes parameters are recorded successively), usually for different wavelengths simultaneously (saved in different files). They usually consist of scans over a region (size: 1 or 2 arcminutes times the length of the scan) or of a repeated observation for a given position of the slit.
Operated by: CNRS-CNR-IAC

CORO: The Pic-du-Midi H-alpha coronograph

Description: The Pic du Midi Coronograph provides H-alpha images of the solar corona and is operated daily by amateur astronomers. The instrument consists of a refractor of diameter 150mm, a narrow-band H-alpha filter and an occulting disk.
Data: Solar corona images (the disk is occulted) with a cadence of a few minutes
Availability: Since October 1995. Selection of 1 to 3 representative images are available daily 1 hour after the observation at the Solar Survey Archive.
Links for more details:
Operated by: Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées / FIDUCIAL

NRH: The Nancay Radioheliograph

Description: The Nancay Radioheliograph provides 2-D images of the sun at 5 frequencies (between 150 and 450 Mhz) at a cadence of 8 images/second. The instrument consists in 2 linear antenna arrays in EW and NS directions (respectively 19 and 24 antennas), which provide 576 visibilities. The telescope is operated routinely.
Data: Raw data consists of visibilities. Processed data are 2-D images of the solar radio brightness.
Availability: Since July 1996, averaged data (128 seconds and 10 seconds) are available at the Solar Survey Archive, as well as summary images and mpeg films.
Operated by: Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, Région Centre

The Nancay Total Radio Flux Antenna

Description: This antenna provides daily total radio flux measurement of the sun at 10 frequencies (between 150 and 450 Mhz). The time resolution is 0.1 second.
Data: Data consist in FITS file of calibrated data.
Availability: Since January 2001.
Operated by: Observatoire de Paris, CNRS

The Meudon Spectroheliograph

If you use Meudon spectroheliograms in scientific papers for publication, could you kindly insert an acknowledgment like: "We acknowledge Paris Observatory for the use of spectroheliograms".
2018 version: for the new (from july 2017) version of the spectroheliograph, follows this link.
Before july 2017:
Description: The spectroheliograph provides images of the solar photosphere (blue wing of the CaII K 3934 Å line, or K1v) and chromosphere (centre of the CaII K 3934 Å line, or K3 ; and H-alpha 6563 Å). Data are acquired once a day by performing scans of the solar disk using a entrance slit and an exit slit.
Data: Full disk images of the sun at 3 wavelengths. When interesting, an additional image with a larger exposure time is available in K3 for protuberance studies. Synoptic maps for each solar rotation are made from these data.
Availability: Since 1996. Daily digitized images are available for the period 1996-2001 (Solar Survey Archive) in fits and gif format. Images obtained with a CCD camera are available (since May 2002) for 5 wavelengths in each line. A project to digitize the whole time series (since 1919) is under development. Synoptic maps are also available since rotation 1824 (Dec 12, 1989) at the Solar Survey Archive.
for the synoptic maps
Operated by: Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
  • Spectrohéliographe de Meudon (fr) PDF
  • The potential of Meudon spectroheliograph for investigating long term solar activity and variability (en) PDF
  • The new 2018 version of Meudon spectroheliograph (en) PDF
  • Meteospace, a New Instrument for Solar Survey at the Calern Observatory (en) PDF

The Meudon Heliograph

Description: The heliograph provides 3 images every 1.5 minute of the solar disk in the Halpha line at 3 wavelengths: line core and at 0.5Å from it on each side. A Lyot filter with a 0.5Å bandpass is used. The objective is to detect and observe solar eruptions at a high temporal cadence.
Data: Full disk Halpha images are available at full resolution in fits format. Movies with half the spatial and temporal resolutions and light curves are made from these data.
Availability: Since 1999. Mpeg movies are available on our (Solar Survey Archive) as well as light curves (in gif and postscript formats). Original fits images are available on request.
Operated by: Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
  • Héliographe de Meudon avant 2004 (fr) PDF
  • Héliographe CaII raie H 396.8 nm (fr) PDF
  • Héliographe CaII raie K 393.3 nm (fr) PDF
  • Héliographe continu vert 530 nm (fr) PDF
  • Héliographe bande G 430.7 nm (fr) PDF
  • The new 2018 version of Meudon spectroheliograph (en) PDF
  • Meteospace, a New Instrument for Solar Survey at the Calern Observatory (en) PDF
Meudon heliograph observations catalog (Halpha centre, Halpha +/- 0.5 A):
  • Meudon and Haute Provence Hα heliographs (1954-2004) (en) PDF
  • Films between 1956 et 1997 (en) TXT
  • Images between 1999 et 2004 (en) TXT
  • Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP) monochromatic heliograph observations catalog:
  • Meudon and Haute Provence Hα heliographs (1954-2004) (en) PDF
  • Films between 1958 et 1994 (en) TXT
  • Meudon White Light

    Data: FITS and JPEG white light images of the solar disk.
    Availability: Since 2003. Daily images are available (Solar Survey Archive).
    Operated by: Observatoire de Paris-Meudon

    Meudon Solar Tower

    Operated by: Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
    • Banc de calibration polarimétrique (fr) PDF
    • Lunette Halpha 656.3 nm (fr) PDF
    • Lunette CaII raie K 393.3 nm (fr) PDF
    • Spectrographe à Double Passage Soustractif Multicanal (fr) PDF
    • Spectrographe classique en simple passage à fente fine (fr) PDF
    • Voie imagerie monochromatique (filtres) à petit champ (fr) PDF

    NDA: Nancay Decameter Array

    Data: Spectra for frequencies from 20 to 75 MHz. Full data are available on request, preview images (GIF or PNG) are data integrated over 10 s, summing the two polarizations .(Solar Survey Archive)
    Links for more details:

    CLIMSO: Christian Latouche IMageur SOlaire

    Operated by: Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées / FIDUCIAL

    USET: The Uccle Solar Equatorial Table

    Links for more details:
    Operated by: Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels

    SOLEX: the Solar Explorer

    • Contributor and observer guide (en) PDF
    Links for more details:


    • Malherbe,J.-M., Corbard, T., et al. Experimental Astronomy (2022) 53:1127–1148 (en) PDF
    Links for more details:
    WDC-Solar Activity, Regular Member of
    Last update: 18 Jul 2024 14:10